Organize products into folders
All products must be added to a folder. Organizing products into folders and subfolders makes them easier to find.
Click the Hazard icon from the left toolbar and select a hazard from the hazard list. Then click the three dots at the top of the Hazard panel and then Add Product. |

Next, choose the Folder option as shown below and add a name for the folder. See folder naming practices below for tips on organizing products.

Folder naming practices
PDC organizes products into Parent Folders by category and Subfolders by organization. Below are the recommended practices for naming Parent and Subfolders. Note that both Parent and Subfolders include common tags such as (SitRep) or (SA). This provides a consistent and easy way for users to find products.
Situation Reports (SitRep). Information providing an update on the event such as a SitRep, Briefing, or Press Release. Does not include maps or image products. Subfolders should include the organization name and type of parent folder: UNOCHA (SitRep)
Observations and Forecasts (Obs). Current observations related to the hazard or forecast information such as hazard outlooks, forecast maps, weather observations, etc. Subfolders should include the issuing agency name and type of parent folder: JMA (Obs)
Damage and Needs Assessments (DANA). Information pertaining directly to damage and needs assessments such as reports, tables, and maps including preliminary, detailed, or sectoral. Subfolders should include the issuing agency name and type of parent folder: AHA CENTRE (DANA)
Photos. May include photos taken in the field, satellite images, and other photos obtained from vetted sources such as news agencies (e.g., AP, Reuters). Subfolders should include the issuing agency name and type of parent folder: AHA CENTRE (Photos)
Advisories (Advs). Advisories issued by official authorities such as the U.S. National Weather Service, Philippines PAGASA, Bahamas Meteorology Dept., etc. Subfolders should include the issuing agency name and type of parent folder: PAGASA (Advs)
Reference (Ref). Reference maps, such as the locations of facilities and population. Subfolders should include the issuing agency name and type of parent folder: Map Action (Ref)
Situational Awareness (SA). Maps that provide situational awareness on the hazard or relief activities including modeled impacts, location of response teams, hazard risk areas, etc. Subfolders should include the issuing agency name and type of parent folder: PDC (SA)