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Edit a product

You may need to edit the name of a product, its attributes, or its folder location. Only members of the organization that added the product may edit it.

To edit a product, click the Hazard icon from the left toolbar.
From within the Products tab in the panel menu, locate the product you want to edit and click its corresponding Info icon. Then click the three dots at the top right of the panel and click Edit Product to edit product details including the name of an existing product and its URL or linked file.

A picture containing drawing Description automatically generated DisasterAWARE currently does not include a delete option for products. However, you are able to hide a product by turning the Display on Web button off. It is recommended that you also move your hidden products into the Recycle Bin in the parent folder.
A black and white logo Description automatically generated Hidden products are not visible in the products list. To view or edit a hidden product, click the Products tab while in the Hazards Panel.
A black and white circle with three squares in it Description automatically generated While in the product list, click the Settings icon and toggle the Display Hidden button on.