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You can search for active and historical hazard information and hazard products using the Advanced Hazard Search. Advanced search filters include active and expired hazards, hazard types, date ranges, severities, areas, and more.

Click the Hazard icon on the left toolbar to open the hazards panel.
Next, click the Filter icon to the top right of the panel to use the Advanced Hazard Search feature.

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated

To search a specific area, select the Draw Geographic Filter option. Then click and drag your cursor across the desired area on the map to draw a rectangle-shaped filter around the area you wish to restrict your hazard search within.

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated­

A picture containing drawing Description automatically generated Want to save your Advanced Hazard Search settings for later viewing? Simply enable the PDC Active Hazard layers you wish to include, as well as apply any additional filters via the Hazard panel, and create a Bookmark. Hazard filters will be saved to that Bookmark for quick access at any time.

Quickly filter hazards from the Layers panel

In addition to the Advanced Hazard Search features above, you may also adjust the types of hazards you see on the map through the Layers panel. Open the Layers panel and select the PDC Active Hazards folder. The PDC Active Hazards layers folder is organized into two subfolders: Natural Hazards and Man Made Hazards. Expand the folders and select individual layers within each subfolder you wish to have visible on the map (e.g. Earthquake, Man Made, Cyber, etc.).

You can also select and unselect the checkbox next to the folder’s name to enable or disable all layers within that folder.

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated

A map of the world with different colored circles Description automatically generated