Click the Layers icon in the left toolbar to view a list of PDC’s data layers. Layers are grouped by category into folders. Expand each folder to view the layers associated with a category.
With the layers panel open, you can also use the Search tab to locate layers by keyword (e.g. Philippines schools). Check the box to the left to view the layer on the map.

To quickly see which map layers are turned on, click the Layers icon on the left toolbar and select the Search tab from the layers panel. All active layers are depicted by a check mark on the left.

To turn all layers off, click the three dots at the bottom of the layers panel (as shown above), and choose Unselect All Layers.

Click the zoom icon to the right of the layer (shown below) if you are having trouble viewing the layer you’ve selected. The map will zoom and re-center the map to bring the information into view.
Note: Some layers require the map to be zoomed to a minimum extent or to a specific location in order to display the information.

Click a hazard icon on the map to launch the Hazard tooltip. From the tooltip, click the Layers link to see hazard-specific layers that you can turn on to help you better understand potential hazard impacts.
Example subset of country map layers for Nicaragua (Infrastructure, hazard zones, clean water vulnerability index)

Types of country layers available in DisasterAWARE
While information varies from country to country, common datasets offered in DisasterAWARE include: critical infrastructure, population and demographic data, transportation, risk and vulnerability, and hazard zones information.
Search for country layers

With the Layers panel open, click the Search tab to search for layers by country name or keyword.

Locate global / subnational risk and vulnerability indicators

Click the Layers icon in the left toolbar.

Scroll down to the Risk and Vulnerability folder. You can view a national comparison of overall multi-hazard risk. Expand the folder to drill deeper to inspect the national indicators of risk that contribute to the overall score.

Locate subnational risk and vulnerability indicators
*Available for select countries only.

Click the Layers icon in the left toolbar. Scroll down to the Regional Data folder and open the regional subfolder in which the country of your interest resides.

Once in the proper regional subfolder, expand the Country folder > Risk and Vulnerability folder. You can view a comparison of overall risk and specific risk indicators at the subnational level.

You can explore historical hazard data by selecting the type of hazard from the layers panel.

Click the Layers icon in the left toolbar. Scroll down to the Hazards and Events folder.

Expand the folder and navigate to the hazard type of your interest. Many types of hazards, although not all, have subfolders with historical information that can be viewed on the map.

The Advanced Hazard Search is located under the Hazards panel and allows you to search active and historical DisasterAWARE Hazards. These include associated products such as custom maps, situation reports, damage assessments, and more.

Click the Hazard icon on the left toolbar to open the hazards panel.

Next, click the Filter icon on the top right of the panel to use the Advanced Hazard Search feature. When searching for historical hazard information, be sure to turn off the Active button and turn on the Expire button.
If applicable, insert the Name of the hazard, a Date range, and/ or Types of hazards you want to search.