DisasterAWARE comes with a variety of background maps that you can choose to make your default. Below are just a few examples.

Click the Layers panel from the left toolbar and open the Background Map Layers folder. Check the option for the map theme you’d like to have displayed as your background map.

You can turn on multiple layers at one time to create a better understanding of potential disaster impacts.
Here are two layers depicting estimated exposure for a multi-hazard event that included a tropical cyclone and a simultaneous M6.6 earthquake intersecting with exposed populations in Nicaragua.
A third layer depicts disaster resilience which is useful for planning evacuations, response efforts, search and rescue, and delivery of humanitarian assistance in low-resilience areas. Learn more about layers in the section titled Layers to Support Situational Awareness.

Drawing tools allow you to add your own content to the map and can help with preliminary damage and needs assessments, identification of staging areas, staffing and resources, measuring areas and distances, and more.