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+1 (808) 891-0525
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New technology, training, and scientific information developed in partnership between the Pacific Disaster Center and Honduras, with support from U.S. Southern Command, will help national stakeholders better anticipate potential disasters, quickly mobilize resources, and promote risk-informed decision-making that enhances resilience and readiness.
U.S. Southern Command (SOUTHCOM)
Embajada de Estados Unidos en Tegucigalpa
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Scientific tools enhance disaster resilience and readiness in Honduras | Pacific Disaster Center
New technology, training, and scientific information developed in partnership between Pacific Disaster Center and Honduras, with support from U.S. Southern Command, will help national stakeholders bet...#EarlyWarningForAll #SaferWorld #DisasterAlert #hurricane #volcano #fire #flood #tsunami #Earthquake #disaster #Hazard #landslide #tornado #winterstorm #storm #Wildfire ... See MoreSee Less

Severe weather is forecast to impact the State of Hawaii starting Wednesday evening through Friday. The threat of flash flooding, damaging south to southwest winds, and strong to severe thunderstorms will accompany this powerful cold front.
Our team is in close support with state and county emergency management and partners. PDC’s Disaster Alert mobile app (for public) and DisasterAWARE (for emergency managers) includes critical information related to wind forecasts, rainfall, flood zones, and more! Note: The animated “Winds (Surface Velocity & Forecast)” layer is depicted (wind forecast dates and times are in UTC/GMT time).
For the Public:
- Monitor PDC’s Disaster Alert app for updates, as well as your local emergency management and National Weather Service office.
- Download the Free “Disaster Alert” app (search “Disaster Alert” in the Apple App Store and on Google Play.)
- Access the “Winds (Surface Velocity & Forecast)” layer under Layers > Featured Layers
- Other layers specific to Hawaii (e.g. Flood Zones) are available under Layers > Hawaii > Hazard Zones
For Emergency Managers:
- Request access to DisasterAWARE at
#Saferworld #earlywarningforall #disasteraware #hawaii
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The PDC team returned to Honduras this week to launch the inaugural Risk, Resilience, and Adaptation Analysis (R2A2) project in Tegucigalpa. Honduras is the first PDC NDPBA partner country to kick off R2A2 as the next step following the country's 2017 National Baseline Assessment (NDPBA). After many years of implementing NDPBA recommendations, PDC re-engages with national stakeholders through R2A2 to assess the impact of those actions and collaborate on new capacity-building initiatives.
The engagement included reviewing NDPBA results, introducing the R2A2 process, training on risk and vulnerability analysis, and DisasterAWARE. PDC and COPECO held a Train-the-Trainer session to begin the process of certifying 25 personnel to lead future in-country DisasterAWARE training. Participants included COPECO, the Honduran military, first responders, Red Cross, Green Cross Honduras, USAID, U.S. Embassy, and other partners.
We look forward to returning next month for further training and exercises with COPECO and U.S. SOUTHCOM's Joint Task Force Bravo!
#saferworld #earlywarningforall #honduras #disasteraware #NDPBA #R2A2
USAID - US Agency for International Development
U.S. Southern Command (SOUTHCOM)
Embajada de Estados Unidos en Tegucigalpa
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Damage assessments are ongoing as crews continue to advance containment of the Palisades Fire (72% contained, 23,448 acres burned), the Eaton Fire (95% contained, 14,021 acres burned), and the Hughes Fire (14% contained, 10,176 acres burned) in Los Angeles County and Ventura County, California.
Below are the Palisades and Eaton Fire preliminary estimates of fire exposure, structures damaged or destroyed, shelter occupants, and potential needs based on the latest reports.
For the Public:
- Continue to monitor your local authorities
- Download PDC’s Free “Disaster Alert” app, available on the iOS App Store and Google Play for Android.
- Access layers related to fires under Layers > Hazards and Events > Wildfire
For Emergency Managers:
- Request access to DisasterAWARE at
#California #EarlyWarningforAll #SaferWorld #losangelesfire #losangeles #californiawildfires #californiafires #palisadesfire #EatonFire
California Governor's Office of Emergency Services
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Multiple wildfires continue to burn across Southern California. The Hughes Fire, near Castaic Lake, has led to evacuations in Los Angeles County, consumed over 5,000 acres, and is 0% contained.
For the Public:
>>> Continue to monitor your local authorities
>>> Download PDC’s Free “Disaster Alert” app (search “Disaster Alert” in the Apple App Store and on Google Play.)
>>> The layers shown in the attached screenshots are available under Layers > Hazards and Events > Wildfire
For Emergency Managers:
>>> Request access to DisasterAWARE at
#California #EarlyWarningforAll #SaferWorld #losangelesfire #losangeles #californiawildfires #californiafires #palisadesfire #eatonfire #Hughesfire #lilacfire
CAL FIRE California Governor's Office of Emergency Services
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Millions along the Gulf Coast and Southeastern U.S. are bracing for a rare winter storm over the next couple of days. Featured are screenshots from DisasterAWARE showing forecast snowfall over the next three days, as well as potential exposure through PDC’s automated Event Brief.
Receive alerts and stay informed on this event and other hazards around the world!
>>> Download PDC’s free Disaster Alert App, available for download on the Apple App Store and Google Play (search “Disaster Alert” in the app store)
Are you a Disaster Manager or Humanitarian Assistance professional?
>>> Request access to DisasterAWARE Pro for early warning, decision support, and analytical insights on global hazards!
#EarlyWarningForAll #DisasterAWARE #DisasterAlert#winterstorm #blizzard #weather #snow #sleet #ice #freezing
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Damage assessments are ongoing as crews continue to advance containment of the Palisades Fire (31% contained, 23,713 acres burned) and Eaton Fire (65% contained, 14,117 acres burned) in Los Angeles County, California. The attached products provide preliminary estimates on exposure, structures damaged or destroyed, shelter occupants, and potential needs based on the latest reports.
For the Public:
- Continue to monitor your local authorities
- Download PDC’s Free “Disaster Alert” app (search “Disaster Alert” in the Apple App Store and on Google Play.)
- Access layers related to fires under Layers > Hazards and Events > Wildfire
For Emergency Managers:
- Request access to DisasterAWARE at
#California #EarlyWarningforAll #SaferWorld #losangelesfire #losangeles #californiawildfires #californiafires #palisadesfire #eatonfire
CAL FIRE California Governor's Office of Emergency Services
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We’d like to say mahalo (thank you) to Albania’s National Civil Protection Agency (NCPA) and the Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (DG ECHO) for inviting PDC to share our experiences and capabilities at the FloodNorth ALB Final Planning Conference, January 14-15, in Tirana, Albania.
This event provided a great opportunity to build upon the relationships established and the skills developed over the past two years as part of our Balkans Regional Early Warning System (EWS) Program. It was held in preparation for the upcoming Full-Scale Exercise (FSX)—which will feature PDC’s DisasterAWARE—scheduled to take place in Shkodër, Albania, in April.
Following the highly successful demonstration of DisasterAWARE Pro during the NorthFlood ALB Tabletop Exercise (TTX) last November, event organizers invited PDC to play this key role in the FSX.
>>> Learn more about DisasterAWARE at
#SaferWorld #EarlyWarningforAll #DisasterAWARE #FloodNorthALB #Albania
Agjencia Kombëtare e Mbrojtjes Civile
EU Civil Protection & Humanitarian Aid
U.S. Forest Service
USAID - US Agency for International Development
Croce Rossa Italiana - Italian Red Cross
DCNA - Disaster Competence Network Austria
Universiteti Europian i Tiranës
Agjencia e Menaxhimit Emergjent
Bashkia Shkodër
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We were excited to rejoin our longtime partners at the AHA Centre this week to mark the completion of another important milestone in the ASEAN region. With support from USAID, PDC has successfully upgraded the AHA Centre’s custom version of DisasterAWARE — DMRS (Disaster Monitoring and Response System) — strengthening regional capacity for hazard monitoring and early warning.
The closing event wrapped up a productive week of capacity-building activities with AHA Centre staff, focused on enhancing early warning across Southeast Asia. This included expanded user training, as well as specialized training on systems administration and data.
#SaferWorld #EarlyWarningforAll #AHACentre #ASEAN #OneASEANOneResponse #DisasterAWARE #DMRS
U.S. Mission to ASEAN (USASEAN)
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In addition to providing updates on fire activity, evacuation areas, perimeters, exposure, and other vital information to support ongoing response efforts across the Los Angeles area, DisasterAWARE also provides wind forecast data. This information is crucial, as strong winds and critical fire weather are expected to continue.
For the Public:
>>> The "Winds (Surface Velocity & Forecast)" layer can be viewed on our free Disaster Alert app, under Layers > Featured Layers). Note: The wind dates and forecast times are in UTC/GMT time.
>>> Search "Disaster Alert" in the Apple App Store or Google Play app store to download
For Emergency Managers:
>>> Request access to DisasterAWARE Pro here:
#California #EarlyWarningforAll #SaferWorld #losangelesfire #losangeles #californiawildfires #californiafires #palisadesfire #eatonfire #hurstfire CAL FIRE California Governor's Office of Emergency Services
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PDC continues to support the ongoing response to multiple major wildfires across the Los Angeles area. Shown are updated screenshots of evacuation zones and air quality. Monitor DisasterAWARE and our Disaster Alert app for updates to those layers and more!
For the Public:
>>> Continue to monitor your local authorities
>>> Download PDC’s Free “Disaster Alert” app (search “Disaster Alert” in the Apple App Store and on Google Play.)
>>> The layers shown in the attached screenshots are available under Layers > Hazards and Events > Wildfire
For Emergency Managers:
>>> Request access to DisasterAWARE at
#California #EarlyWarningforAll #SaferWorld #losangelesfire #losangeles #californiawildfires #californiafires #palisadesfire #eatonfire #hurstfire #kennethfire #lidiafire
California Governor's Office of Emergency Services CAL FIRE
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